Sunday, November 30, 2008


So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. -2 Corinthians 2:16

We as humans are quick to see other people by how the world places value on them. We categorize them. We call them rich, poor, smart, slow, popular, nerdy, beautiful, plain. There are people who are different from us and have lived different life experiences and make different choices from us. Some of these people are easy to be around because they are like us. Some people we don't want to be associated with or we don't understand. God tells us to look at them see them as He sees them.

On the Titanic, people boarded the ship as people with labels. They were either 1st class, 2nd class, and 3rd class. Each group was vastly different in the amenities that they received. However, when the ship sank, there suddenly was only 2 categories of people....

Those saved....and those lost.

In the end all of the differences between classes of people did not matter. God does not see rich or poor, jobless or career bound, single or married, beautiful or so-so. He sees those that know him and those that don't.

And how much he desires that those that don't know him come to know him. Therefore, we are to be his ambassadors. Much like an ambassador carries a message from his nation to another, we are to carry the message of reconciliation to those who are lost. Regardless of where they are in life, regardless of how different they are from you, regardless of how much their personality clashes with yours...they are still a child of God who's life holds weight and value and deserves to know the love of Christ.


Stephanie Calderon said...

You really spoke to me! Thank you for posting the things that you do, they really help me in my daily walk in Christ!