Friday, November 19, 2010

I am thankful for...

I am thankful for Carley Erin.

What a BEAUTIFUL addition to our family she has been. She came at a perfect time in our lives. And you would think adding another baby to the family would add more stress and chaos. But because of her personality she has added a sweet balance and calmness to our family. For example, when daddy is playing his guitar entirely too loud, and Colin is screaming because he didn't get what he wanted, and I am yelling (yes I am admitting I yell at him) at Colin for screaming....little Carley is just sitting by watching everyone and smiling. She is the peace in the midst of complete chaos! And I don't think its just a baby phase. I really think this is going to be her personality always!

She is ALWAYS (and I am not exaggerating!) joyfully happy! I love her toothless smile. And she doesnt just smile. She opens her mouth as wide as it can go and tilts her head to the side. She is friendly and social, but doesn't expect anything from you. She is very content and doesn't seem to mind if she is not held, she just wants to know you are there.

I am thankful for my peaceful, beautiful, happy Carley Erin!