Sunday, June 28, 2009

A few thangs....and Honest Scrap(edited)

So we are back from youth camp. We had an awesome time! Our whole group seemed to really unite together for the first time since we have been there. Our group has had big issues with the whole "social status" thing. Lots of groups, lots of people not liking eachother because of the "title" they hold. But it was different this week. One girl even said, "This is the first time that i have felt like this group was a family and not a group of separated people." We had quite a few students that seemed to make some pretty big realizations about their lives and what God wants to do with them. It will be interesting to see, now, who actually follows through with that. Its easy to rely on the "camp high" for growth. So we are really praying for these kids to make REAL changes in their lives.

I missed Colin SOOOO much this past week. That was the longest he had ever been away from me! I was so excited when he came home. He seems to be talking so much more now! He used to say, "mo jink?" for more drink. Now he says, "was sumo jink pees?" (meaning, "want some more drink, please?) He is just talking in longer sentences, following directions better, and seems to be slowly getting to an age where i might can start reasoning with him more. what a big boy he is!

And now, for the Honest Scrap...

Amanda, at A Special Blend, gave me the Honest Scrap award! There are a couple of things you have to do when you get this award:

~ You have to tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true.
~ You have to tag 10 people with the award.
~ Let all the people you've given the award to know that they've gotten it.
~ Make sure you link back to the person who awarded it to you.

1. I love love love squash and zucchini! This is actually a new found love for me. I mix them together and put them in the frying pan with a little olive oil and then i put cheese on top. So yummy!

2. I used to hate chuck taylor converse shoes, cause i thought they looked like clown shoes. Now I LOVE them. I really want some in green (cause its my favorite color) and red (cause that is our school colors). Today to church, the whole family wore chucks (even Colin!)

3. I would someday like to own 5 or 6 acres of land. Don't know if that will ever happen, but it would be cool!

4. We saw a deer in our backyard the other morning! It was so cool. It came back like 30 minutes later too! We told our neighbors, and apparantly that is normal to see a deer back there. How cool is that?

5. I take pride in the fact that I can drive a standard. Alot of girls don't know how to drive one! (Not that your worth depends on that...) I am loving driving the van, but i do miss my standard car. Well, i still have the car...jeff just drives it now. so i guess i could drive it whenever i want.

6. I am a new fan of The Office. I never disliked the show, but I now appreciate the humor because i understand the characters now. Good stuff.

7. I hate Tea, and root beer, and bologna.

8. I can't whistle. I can do it a little if I suck air in. But I can't do it at all while blowing out.

9. the older i get, the more easily overwhelmed i seem to get. i don't like that i am like this. i want to be laid back and flexible, but i seem to just break down and cry if i feel like there is too much going on. wish i weren't that way....i'm working on it.

10. i used to say that i would much rather be hot than to be cold...but after this past week at camp where i spent 100% of my time drenched in sweat (including sleep time) I might have to switch that around.

So I forgot to tag 10 people! Ha!
1.Jenni from The Life of a Bubbly Bride
2.Mom from Nena's Notes
3.Sharla from Maaaaaa
4.Mary from When God doesn't behave
5.Taylor from A Little Slice of Heaven
6.Stephanie from The Calderon Family
7.Joyia from The West Family
8.Karen from Karen's blog
9.Kristin from Kristin's Life
10.Maile from Jeremy and Maile


Amanda Jo said...

Ok wait, you don't like tea or root beer? I didn't think that was possible! Bologna, on the other hand, I'm totally with you!

Great list, friend!