Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23, 2007

We had only lived in Marshall for less than 2 months. We lived in a teensy weensy married housing apartment at ETBU. We didn't really know anyone yet. We had visited our church only 2 or 3 times, but had not joined yet. I had JUST met my new teammates for the first time at a 3 day workshop.

I had been having "cramps," but didnt think much of it. Jeff began timing them and he starting getting really antsy and hyper. He begged me to go to the hospital. I kept saying, "I'm not going in there just for them to tell me I needed to fart! That would be so embarrasing!" And I still had 5 weeks to go, so I knew I probably wasnt in labor. We went home. He called the hospital and talked to a nurse who said I should come in. I slowly paced around the house not having a clue what to do while Jeff installed the carseat and grabbed our toothbrushes.

We called our parents and told them we were going, but told them not to come because we figured I'd just get some medicine and go back home.

We get there and they check me and say, "You are 5cm and 80% effaced. There is a 75% chance you are having this baby tonight." And I got a few comments of "How are you not in much pain right now?!"

So we called the parents. They came. I pushed for about 30 minutes, and by 5 am on Monday morning we had a 5lb 5oz relatively healthy baby boy!

He did have to stay a few extra days because of low body temperature, not eating, and pretty bad jaundice. But nothing too serious. I think back now about how lucky we are that he wasn't more sick than he was for being so early.

I love this boy. He is my first-born. He has taught me so much over the past 4 years about what true unconditional love is. About Christ's love. Being a mom forces you to learn what that is really like!

Let me describe this little man to you.

Colin is intense. He intensely loves, intensely feels, and REALLY intensely thinks.

I love Colin's brain! Its so unlike the way I think. He thinks deep and wants to really understand things all the way before he moves on to something else. Very much like his dad. He loves puzzles and problem solving games. He loves letters, words, and the next step for him is easy reading!

The boy loves him some sports! If we are watching a game on is not enough for him to watch. He must play too! So he gets all suited up for the game and copies what they do on TV. And dont EVER take him to a real game unless you are planning on taking him down on the field or court to actually play to. In his mind he is a part of that team.

He's been labeled by our friends as "spastic." Which is so true. He's got a ton of energy and when he gets excited...its kind of crazy. But Jeff and I get to see his "down time." He loves to just sit by himself and work a puzzle. And hes not too old (yet) to say, "I want to hold you," and crawl in our lap so we can sing to him or tell him a story.

I pray that as he grows up and has lots more birthdays, that he will begin a relationship with Jesus Christ and that this relationship will be "intense." Colin is a very different little boy and I pray that he will begin to find out what God has in store for him and how God will use his wonderfully made personality and gifts for His glory!

Happy Birthday, big boy! I am so proud of you and cannot wait to see how God uses you. You are my heart!