Sunday, February 20, 2011

what a weekend...

Friday we took about 45 youth to the Shreveport Mudbugs game. We decided to take Colin along too since he LOVES watching hockey. It was also a reward for good behavior at school all week. He really like it! He was kind of quiet, just because it was an overstimulating place to be with alot to take in and watch. But he had a good time. About the last 10 minutes he started acting tired. So he crawled in my lap and laid his head on my shoulder. Then he puked ALL over me, Jeff's camera bag, and a little tiny bit on a jr high kids shirt in front of us. The jr high kid was really sweet and didnt seem to mind. :)

My thought was that his supper didn't settle well (nachos and Diet Coke...not too healthy!) Well he threw up 2 more times on the way home. And then threw up and dry heaved all through the night and into the next morning. He finally stopped throwing up around noon on Saturday, but had a fever the whole rest of the day.

Also, Saturday I had my friend, Sheryl, come watch the kids for me because I had a doctor appointment to see a GI specialist. (Jeff had a service project planned for the youth). I have been having more and more issues as I get older with IBS and just other...stuff. So after talking with the doctor, he "highly recommended" that I get a colonoscopy...lovely. Then the only time he could do it is this Wednesday at 2:30. Worst.time.ever. Jeff is always out of pocket on Wednesdays! Oh well, we will truck through and get this joyful experience out of the way.

So that was my weekend! Quite eventful. 12 days until we go to Chicago! I am really sad about leaving my kids, but so excited to spend time with Jeff and do some fun stuff!


Mary said...

Oh man, Sarah, I am so sorry! First of all, I definitely identify with your children throwing up on sorry! Is Colin/Jeff feeling better yet?
And...UGH for colonoscopy! I hope you are ok and nothing serious wrong...? I'm excited for you and Jeff's SYMConference!! I can't wait to hear about all you guys learned, and what fun cool things you guys got to do in Chicago! I've only been there once, but I LOVE that city! (to visit...not to live) :)