Saturday, May 8, 2010

Update (with pictures)

Lots has been going on! I'm exhausted, but everything has been so so fun!

I'm going to majorly backtrack all the way back to Easter. MomMom and Pepaw came on that Saturday for the day and we had a little Easter egg hunt. Colin was too cute. He just kept saying, "There's another one! And there's another one!" over and over again (referring to the eggs of course). Then we got a surprise visit from Granny and Pops the next day! We were on our way home from church when Jeff got a call from Pops who said they were in Longview. So glad we got to see all of them that weekend.

Jeff graduated from college! I'm super proud of him. For the past 2 years he has been an excellent husband, father, and youth minister all while still being an excellent student! He received an award at ETBU for his service as a youth pastor and also for outstanding senior religion student. He also graduated magna cum laude! It was a fun day because Jenni (Jeff's sister) graduated as well! So we had lots of family in and it was a wonderful day!

I had 2 baby showers this past week. One at school and one at church! I got some way cute outfits and also got alot of diapers and wipes (which I am SO glad to be stocked up on!) Very excited to start getting stuff ready for Carley's arrival! I have all her clothes washed and hung/put in drawers. Next will be painting the room green (her and Colin will share a room for a few years), putting up the crib/bedding, moving all the toys out to the new "playroom" and then packing bags/preparing for hospital! Once Jeff gets back from Greece we will be getting all the way ready just in case I go into preterm labor again! Just as long as I don't while Jeff is in Greece! I'm sure I'll be fine though.....right? Anyway, here is a pic of the bedding and colors we will be using in the kid's room!

Next on our agenda....
-May 11: next dr.'s appointment
-May 16: Jeff leaves for Greece :(
-May 25: Jeff comes home! :)
-May 29: Our 6 year anniversary
-that same weekend, Uncle JonJon comes for a visit and we have our youth end of year "80s skate night!"
- June 4: last day of school! woo hoo!
- June 21-25 Youth Camp (I will NOT be going, Jeff might be...but he's also got back up leaders in case!)
-July 13: tentative due date for little Carley!
-July 31: Kyle and Sheryl's wedding! Can't wait. followed by a stay in Arlington!

Again, I just want to stress that God is good. In the past year some things have been taken away. I lost my sweet sister and sacrifices are being made in staying here in Marshall (financially, being apart from family, etc.). Yet at the same time, he gives. I am about to have a little girl who will carry on my sister's name. And he has provided for us in many different ways. He gives and he takes away, but he is always there. And for that I am eternally grateful! Thank you God for having plans for us that are good and for giving us hope.


maggie may said...

Great post. You're a busy gal!