Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I am asking for prayer for our youth at church...specifically the high school girls (mainly just because they are the ones I work the closest with). I had a God moment tonight in our small group where words came out of me that I hadn't planned on coming out of me. Jenni was teaching about being prepared for death. Preparing our lives for dying or Jesus returning. Then we started discussing what it meant to "be saved." These girls understand that it is more than just believing or going to church. They know that its more than just having the faith, but LIVING like you have faith.

Then the words came out. I told them that because of the way that alot of them live I wasn't too sure that some of them were saved. *Gasp* I can't believe I said that...but its true. I challenged them to think about their lives and decipher if they really are a child of God. Then I told them that Jenni and I would be calling them to ask them about it.

Pray for is hard for me to hold someone else accountable. I don't like hurting feelings or making someone feel uncomfortable. And honestly, I haven't ever really cared about holding someone accountable, because I've never cared about other people before. So this is new to me...caring....and caring enough to call them out. That is one reason I am posting this. Is to hold myself accountable for holding them accountable. It would be really easy to just not call them. But now that I have posted it on here...I have to.

Pray for the teenagers in our group. It is so exciting to be a part of a youth group that grows in numbers. However, it is extremely discouraging to be a part of a youth group that does not grow spiritually. Out of about 35 teenagers. We are only sure of about 3 that are Christians. That is scary and challenging and overwhelming to us. And it is heartbreaking.

Anyway, I ask for prayers, because I know that I, or Jeff, or Jenni, or anyone cannot save them. But I know that God can. I don't know why, but I always feel selfish when I ask for I'm bringing too much attention to myself or something...I know its stupid...I guess its really a pride issue. But anyway, I appreciate your prayers.


Mary said...

Way to go, Sarah!!! Getting someone out of their comfort zone is uncomfortable for everyone involved!!! But is soooo necessary, right? We pray for you guys and we'll pray for this specifically. I'll blog more about this soon, but there is maybe 1% of spiritual depth in this group here. It seems so daunting sometimes. Such a LONG road to travel down to maturity...some of them just won't get it before they graduate and move away...but that's their choice. poop.

Love you guys and so excited to hear about how it's going!!

Amanda Jo said...

Sarah, don't feel bad for asking for prayer! We are all a part of the Body of Christ and we should be praying for one another. This is an especially important thing to pray for! I praise the Lord for your boldness with these young women. I'll pray that you'll be able to hold them accountable, that you'll be able to continue to speak truth into their lives and *most importantly* that the Lord would save these young women!