Thursday, October 23, 2008

How did the chicken cross the road......

I really have no idea why I titled this post that. Just thought it would get some people's attention I guess.

So I got nominated for 2 awards! The first one is from Taylor. The second is from Kate. So I am going to kill 2 birds with one stone and do both of them in one post.

Rules: answer the following questions in 2 words or less.....

1. Where is your cell phone? -- table
2. Where is your significant other? -- with Tim
3. Your haircolor? -- blonde
4. Your mother? too far
5. Your father? -- too far
6. Your favorite thing? -- learning
7. Your dream last night? -- being rejected
8. Your dream/goal? -- obedience
9. The room you're in? -- bedroom
10. Your hobby? -- music
11. Your fear? -- rejection
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? -- being obedient
13. Where were you last night? -- church
14. What you're not? -- motivated
15. One of your wish-list items? -- dishwasher
16. Where you grew up? -- Arlington
17. The last thing you did? -- rocked Colin
18. What are you wearing? -- chucks
19. Your TV? -- is off
20. Your pet? -- fishies
21. Your computer? -- is yellow
22. Your mood? -- discouraged
23. Missing someone? -- home family
24. Your car? -- too small!!!!!
25. Something you're not wearing? -- necklace
26. Favorite store? -- Target
27. Your summer? -- without Jeff
28. Love someone? -- Jeff Colin
29. Your favorite color? -- green
30. When is the last time you laughed? -- today
31. When is the last time you cried? -- Tuesday

list 6 things I value and 6 things I don't and then pass this award on to 6 people!

6 things I value:
1. My relationship with God
2. Jeff and Colin
3. Chilis
4. authenticity
5. words
6. sleeeeeeep

6 things I don't value:
1. media
2. the approval of others (well, I'm working on not valuing that more than God's approval)
3. fakeness
4. drama
5. the fact that i cannot beat mom's score on pathwords.
6. the new facebook

And now, the nominees are...

Nena, Sharla, Joyia, Maile, Sharon, Amanda


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing glimpses of your thoughtful and purposeful life. The title of your blog drew me here. We have much in common, i am descended from the Bexar County Texas Stapletons, a teacher, and an ETBU grad! Keep Bloggin, this homesick East Texan is enjoying every minute!

Mary said...

To all your favorite things you should have added "with" or "and" + "mary" Especially sleep...I get the best sleep when we're together...I mean...ummm. Never mind. ;)