Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things I Like...

So, I'm going to sort of copy my husband. He does a "Things I like" post every once in a while. But he only posts 1 thing and talks about it in detail. I will just make a list and talk about mine in semi-detail and get it all done in one shot! :) Now, I am not promising that this will even be entertaining to anyone. You might read this and think, "Now what was her point?" Well, I don't need a point, do I? So if you don't like to read stuff that has no purpose...don't read.

1. a lack of clutter in my house and classroom. It makes me feel calm. I try to train my students at school to be the same way...I usually fail at that. I always have one student every year that is my kindred spirit in organization. I hook up with that student very quickly at the beginning of the year and he/she (its usually a she) is my partner in crime in combatting the chaos that could potentially occur when you have 20 5-year-olds in the room.

2. being outside...but not in winter. It drives Jeff crazy that the first thing I do in the mornings is open the blinds. And here lately I've been putting the baby gate in the front door and leaving the front door open. It makes me wish I had a screen door! I just love sunlight, warmth and the sounds of outside. I love those sounds especially where we live. We live in a quiet neighborhood. We don't here cars much. And we back up to the woods where there is a swamp. So we hear lots of frogs, crickets, birds, etc. I hate feeling cooped up. When I taught in Arlington, I had a classroom on an inside hall with NO windows and I hated it! Now I have a classroom that has a whole wall of windows that looks out into a nicely landscaped courtyard and it makes me SO happy. Sometimes, when my kids have lost their minds, I just go stare out the window and tune them out. :)

3. Mornings. I was made for them. I really love getting up way before Jeff and the kids. I like to mentally prepare myself and get physically ready for the day before my 2 grumps (Jeff and Colin) are torn from their beds. Now, Carley will sleep and sleep and sleep if I let her. But if she is awoken...she is still happy!

4. Teaching. I think I enjoy preparing to teach more that I do actually teaching! I just learn so much in preparation whether its for school or church. So maybe its actually "learning" that I like so much.

5. Garage Sales and Flea markets! We are going to Canton this weekend with the kids and Jenni and Tim and I am SOOO excited! Its just a fun atmosphere. And I love to rummage through junk...I mean I like the cute boutiques and stuff, but I want to look at JUNK and see how I can make into something functional and/or cute.

6. Being with my family. It doesn't matter WHAT we do as long as we are together. Tonight we all went grocery shopping together. Now, normally when i grocery shop by myself...I curse in my head. I HATE grocery shopping. But it all of a sudden was the funnest thing ever...just because they were there. My kids are just so sweet and funny. And Jeff is just fun. He is way cooler than I am. I am only cool by association with my husband. :)


Maile said...

I have to agree with your love of open doors and blinds. I put the dog gate up at our house, too and it's great. I wish we had a glass door so I could see out, but the doggy door is cute cause the kids stand up and watch the cars go by. Miss you!

CDJ said...

very fun post!

Maaaaaaa said...

I like to open up the house too..unfortunately since our neighbor helped himself to some of the lawn equipment I have to be a little more careful. I like getting early too...but only because I am the grump. I need a little time to myself before I am ready to face the world.