Friday, January 29, 2010

facial hair

Haven't posted in a while and don't feel like I have anything exciting to say! This blog of mine cracks me up anyway because all the people that read it I either talk to on a regular basis or they follow me on facebook so I feel like I just repeat myself! haha. oh well i guess it just gives me something relaxing and mindless to do when i have nothing else to do.

Went to the doctor yesterday. very short and quick visit. heartbeat was 154bpm. And i go back on Feb. 26th to find out the gender! I am SO STINKIN excited to find out. Im tired of saying "baby." I want to say brother or sister or call this thing a name! Which brings me to the next frustrating subject. We have 2 very precious baby girl names picked out (or atleast I think they are cute...some of my friends dont act like they think it is too cute...but oh well.) But we CANNOT find a boy name that we agree on. I have 4 or 5 boy names that I really like and Jeff does not like any of them. Grrrr. So if this baby is a boy we are just gonna call him "man child" or something. kinda impersonal to me.

Colin still seems to be doing good in his school. He is always clean and content and happy when I pick him up. He talks about his teacher and friends alot and is constantly singing songs and such that he has learned. So I can't complain! He likes it so I like it. And I JUST love how close it is to the house. So super convenient.

I am about to start going through Beth Moore's "To Live Is Christ" study with a friend. Really excited but also a little nervous. I'm going to be honest and say that spending time reading my Bible and studying has NOT been frequent lately. I think it will be a hard transition, but a necessary and beneficial one. I'm also going to have to figure out the best time of day for me to do this. I don't know if it will be easier to wake up earlier (already not a fun process lately) or wait till Colin goes to bed (which has been my nightly and involuntary crash on the couch session). But I am really excited to do this and learn more about my God!

So things are going good at the Notelpats household. We only get sad that we can't see our families in Arlington more than we do. We haven't seen either of our parents since Christmas (which I guess was only a month ago...but it seems like a long time ago). And it is hard for us to come there since Jeff kind of has to "work" on Sundays. Looking forward to seeing our families soon.

So I will leave you with an funny conversation I had with one of my students....

Student: Mrs. Stapleton, how come Mr. Jeff has hair all over his face and you don't?

Me: Because Mr. Jeff is a boy and I am a girl. When boys get to be grown up they grow hair on their face. Girls don't do that.

Student: ......(after about 20 seconds of silence).....Well then why does my grandma have some hair on her face? She is a girl.

Me: ..............uhhhhhh..........


Stephanie Calderon said...

OMG!! that is soo funny!! kids are so awesome and fun to be around I bet being a teacher is alot of fun!!....and what names did you pick out so far??